.....<sound of air being sucked through teeth>...
<Takes Deep Breath>
1. Full stops are not hard to use and are lacking considerably.
2. The shape is an oval, not overal.
3. Capital letters at the end of sentences.
4. The word is pick, not pic.
5. For the love of god...its WRINKLES, not winkles!
6. The word is remember, not remeber.
7. When talking in the possessive, the word is his, not hes.
8. The word is you'll, not ull.
9. The word is hunch, not huntch.
10. The verb is know, not no.
11. The word is because, not becuase.
12. The word is puppets, not pupets
.....em, I could go on. Seriously though, if you want to make your flash animations look any way professional, use half-decent grammer.
Other then that, the flash was actually pretty good. If I was you, I'd release it again however this time using a dictionary.
One final tip, learn to take criticism. Its not particularly good natured if you give abuse to every reviewer who doesn't like your work.
p.s. Apologies if you're illiterate/dyslexic ect. No harm intended.